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What Does it Mean to Be Present as a Caregiver?

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Homecare in Wilsonville OR: Present as a Caregiver

The art of mindfulness or of being present can mean different things in different situations. As a caregiver, when you first start trying to be more present you might feel as if you’re falling behind more and more. It doesn’t have to be that way, especially if you can get the help that you truly need in order to be effective as a caregiver.


Being Present Is about Embracing the Moment

In its simplest form, being present is just about enjoying and embracing the moment that you’re in. When you do that with each moment, you’re going to build up a library of experiences in which you were right there in the thick of everything. Being present is going to allow you to really focus on what is most important in any given situation.


You Might Find that Easier in Some Situations than in Others

That said, though, being present is easier at some times than it is at other times. When you’re running around in the morning trying to get kids to school and take care of your aging adult, it might feel impossible to be present. Or when you’re running from one appointment or task straight to another, you may have your mind elsewhere.


Multitasking Isn’t Helpful

The bottom line is that in today’s society, we seem to equate multitasking with getting a lot done. The problem with that mindset is that spreading your attention across multiple topics and issues splits your focus. You can’t possibly have the experience that you need to have and make sure everyone has what they truly need when you’re splitting your attention constantly.


You Can Start to See Where You Need Help

When you allow yourself to take a breath and to fully immerse yourself in each moment, you’re going to start to clearly notice where you need the most help. Hiring elder care providers is an excellent way to gain an even bigger understanding of where you need help. They can show you where and how they can help without infringing on your situation at all.

Your version of being present might look different from someone else’s and that is okay. It’s ultimately about what works for you and for your elderly family member. Keeping your caregiving journey on track is your ultimate goal and you can do that with help and with balance. Your version of being present may even change over time, and that’s also okay.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering Homecare in Wilsonville, OR, please contact the caring staff at Integrity In-Home Care.
Call today (503) 660-3755