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How Companion Care at Home Benefits Seniors Aging In Place

Companion Care at Home in Beaverton

Is your mom or dad lonely at home? Lots of seniors that are aging in place are. If your senior parent isn’t close with their neighbors or you can’t visit as often as you’d like, they may be getting lonely.

Your mom or dad may not want to talk about being lonely. They may be afraid that they won’t be able to continue living at home, or that you will feel bad that you can’t visit more. However, long-term loneliness can have a negative impact on your mom or dad’s health. Companion care at home is a great option for seniors who are aging in place because it can alleviate their loneliness. Seniors who have companion care at home get regular visits from a companion who can keep your mom or dad company at home.

Regular Social Interaction

One of the biggest benefits of companion care at home is that it helps your senior parent stay socially active. When it’s difficult for seniors to leave the house or they don’t drive anymore, it becomes a lot hard for them to spend time with friends and family.

A companion caregiver can spend time talking, playing games, or doing activities with them. This can help your parent feel less lonely and more connected. Which is really important for their mental and emotional health.

Reduced Risk of Falls and Injuries

Safety is a major concern for many seniors living alone. Companion care at home can help reduce the risk of falls and other injuries. Caregivers can help with tasks that involve physical activity. Including getting up from a chair or walking around the house. They can even go outside to spend some in the yard if the weather is nice.

Sometimes your senior mom or dad may just need someone to lean on physically and emotionally. A companion can give them the physical and emotional support they need.

Peace of Mind for Family Members

When your parent has a companion caregiver it can make your senior parent happier, and it also gives peace of mind to you and other family members. Knowing that someone is there to help your parent daily can ease worries about their well-being. You won’t have to constantly check in or worry about them being alone, especially if you live far away. It’s reassuring to know that there’s someone reliable looking after them and providing the care they need.

Better Quality Of Life

Having a companion caregiver can lead to better overall health for your senior parent. Regular social interaction and a bit of extra help with daily tasks can reduce stress and improve their mood.
Caregivers can also encourage healthy habits and support your mom or dad’s emotional health. By keeping your parent engaged and helping them stay on top of their mental health, companion care at home can contribute to a higher quality of life and potentially improve their physical and mental well-being.

If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring Companion Care at Home in Beaverton, OR, please contact the caring staff at Integrity In-Home Care. Call today at (503) 660-3755.